
By Emily
Once upon a time a shooting star came flying by
    In a dark dome called the sky
        Like a diamond
           It stood out of all the stars with no doubt 
                What a sight I wish to see a sight like that once more
                    As I wish away hoping and dreaming a wish
                      The star goes bye and so does time
                             So I say good night
   Until I see the sight once more


By Emily
                                    Spring is here
Don’t forget
                                     Pack up your baskets
                                      Wrap up your gifts
                                      In the morning a treasure hunt awaits
                                      Eggs and chocolate and candy galore
                                      Mr. Bunny hoppin’ along                          
                    Coming to give you treats and more     

Life is beautiful a rare creature that only love can find, so when you find it treasure it, cherish it forever, because you will never know when it will leave you, never say you are unfortunate, because your living and you have seen the beauties of this earth. Live it free live it happy.

                        -Treasure B.        

April 19, 2012
Weird Winter

By Mackenzie

This is the weirdest winter

In 10 years

Hasn’t snowed permanently

For this winter

It has been 65 degrees

And over

It hopefully won’t go under

You can wear shorts and t-shirts

And don’t worry about hats, gloves or a scarf

You can’t go skiing or sledding

That’s a bummer

You can do everything that you can do

In the spring

So get out and play

In this weird winter


By Madison
Flamingos are pink.
Flamingos have one leg up, one leg to walk on.
Flamingos can’t fly at all.
I love flamingos,

Only because it is pink!


By Jacob

                                              Cheese is way better than peas

It has holes that don’t give me a sneeze

                                                People put cheese on your pizza

Sometimes you may call it mizza

              I want that yummy in my tummy

                               I always think that Thing 1 and Thing 2 would put cheese in their shoe

Cheese comes from things that go moo

Nobody thinks cheese tastes like goo.  YAHOO!


by: Emily
Time for Easter, time for cheer
Time for bunnies to come near
 Wont believe how many eggs
 I found this year


Pizza white, pizza light

Crunchiness on the crust

All around safe and sound          

Covered by those tasty toppings

Juicy topping, sticky toppings

All over toppings

Toppings, toppings, toppings everywhere

I love pizza, I love toppings

Toppings, pizza, I love them both

ham and cheese

Bacon and chicken

Tuna, pineapple and artichokes



                           Don’t give me those!

But the rest is the best


*By: Sofia*
Popsicle, Ice cream
No schooooooool
Nonstop fun
Oooooh yeeeeeah
I <3 summer *☺*

A poem by Natalie

Everyone smiles
 I can’t deny that
But all I know
 Is that I believe
 There is a place where all smiles go
 To turn frowns upside down
 So one day in this world
There will be smiles everywhere  

So let’s all remember
To be kind and make people smile!

The bacon poem
By Ada.
I wake up.

A wonderful aroma fills the house and urges me to the breakfast table.

I see a wonderful sight, eggs of golden and white.

But the sight that I see next is not to be mistaken.

Beautiful red and orange bacon.

And speaking of orange, the beautiful juice.

All this will just make you obtuse.

For this is the holey breakfast.  


By Morgan

Halloween! Halloween!
It’s coming soon!
There are goblins and there are ghosts,
There are monsters and there are zombies,
Halloween! Halloween!
It’s coming soon!
