Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Terrible First Day of School

The Terrible First Day of School!
By: Adelina
There was a boy called Luis and it was his first day of school, but he was scared. Every year his mom always made him wear the most embarrassing shirt he had in his room.  He always went with it because he knew he was going to get in trouble anyway.  He went to school and he walked in and of course everybody laughed at him.

  When he got to class he forgot his backpack so he had to walk all the way to the office which is all the way on the other side of the school.  At lunch, Luis had a yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwich.   He went in for a good bite, but he squeezed it a little to tight.  It splattered all over his favorite pants.  At snack time someone bumped into him on purpose.  Luis dropped his granola bar on the floor and never had a snack.

  Then when it was time to go home, Luis forgot to tie his shoe.  When he ran to the bus he tripped on his laces and landed in the mud.  He got a very bad bruise on his cheek. That was Luis's scary day.             

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