Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Conflict With Cows

The Conflict with the Cows
By Riley

          Long ago there lived a kingdom called Mooania, and it was a quaint little kingdom of cows ruled by King Moo. All of the Mooians loved King Moo, however they didn’t have strong feelings about his calves, Billy Moo, Willy Moo, and Lilly Moo. The siblings always fought!
            After weeks of fighting, King Moo decided to do something.  He called his calves into the royal dining room.
            “Hello my sweet cows. I couldn’t help but notice that you three are always fighting.  I decided to do something.  I called my royal helper and he had a few ideas. The problem is, I don’t really understand what he explained to me, so I decided to put it in my own words.”
            The calves weren’t really understanding the purpose of all of this so they decided to just listen and see what he had to say.
            “You see, I am mostly concerned because soon you cows will need to run this kingdom. You need to work together to run a kingdom. If you are all fighting, it might be really hard to run a kingdom.  Why don’t you think of it like this, a cow uses his utters to fill a bucket with milk but if you only use one utter there is no way you can fill a whole bucket. Think of each utter as one of you and if you work together the bucket will be filled in no time!!!”
             The calves stared at him in silence. If they were in a cartoon you would hear crickets chirping in the background. Their father had gotten the message that his calves did not understand so he told them the thing that his helper had told him.
If you fight your own battles alone and go your separate ways you won’t do what you intend to do.
But, if you work together you will never fall apart.


By Morgan
There is a dance studio called Expressions of Dance by Lisa, EODBL for short.  It is located in Spencerport, NY on Martha Street.  The recitals are located in the Spencerport High School.  

Let’s get on to the staff.  The staff is very nice. But when you talk too much they make you do 40 push – ups in a row!  For the 2 and 3 year olds they do fun basic stuff and super cute dances.

When you get into competition dance, you do 3 to 4 dances.  You do tap, ballet, and jazz.  The optional dance is hip hop.  I do hip hop.  On Saturdays you do ballet technique, and stretch and strength.  For the teenagers and up, you do tap, ballet, jazz, hip hop, lyrical, contemporary, and musical theater.  You can also do solos duets and trios.  Well that’s all I have to say about EODBL.  So yeah! Bye!!! 

The Ordinary

The Ordinary
By Sarah
Chapter one
Everyone is special in their own way. At least that’s what every adult who has ever walked on this planet says. For example, my friend George he can eat 12 waffles and still not be full. And my friend Rosa, she can get away with anything. She could get away with murder and as far as anyone would know she is still an ‘innocent little angel’. But trust me, she’s not. Me, well I can’t do stuff like that. Let alone do stuff like that, my NAME can’t be like that! Rosa, she’s named after Rosa Parks. You know, the woman who refused to sit on the back of the bus? Yeah, well that makes her special. And George, he’s named after King George the 3rd. I know people didn’t really like him but at least he was someone!! My name is just plain old Pat. Now that isn’t short for Patrick (although that’s what everyone thinks) it’s just Pat. Now if I was Patrick that would be good because I would be named after a holiday. But no, my mom had to make me a loser and name me Pat. Thanks a lot mom!  I’m no one! Really, they’re both so lucky compared to me. I’m nobody. Literally, George and Rosa are my only friends, and I’m so lucky to have them! I’ll walk down the hall and people will run into me like I’m not there. I just wish that I could be SOMEONE!
          Today was the worst in a long time. I was at 2nd period and it was math (my best subject) and someone literally sat on me. Now you would think they would get right up, but no. They stayed there for 3 minutes until I could catch enough breath to say something. “Get off me you big creep!! How could you not see me?!”
“Sorry dude,” he said.
“Yeah sure, that’s what they all say.” I said under my breath.
Chapter two
          I got George and Rosa over to tell them what happened. They told me it’s no big deal. That’s the only bad thing about them, they don’t make a deal about anything and that’s what they know I want!! I get no attention at all (obviously) “Come on guys! Has anyone ever sat on you, it’s painful!!”
“No dude, but think of it this way, no one has ever been sat on for 3 whole minutes! That makes YOU special!!”

“Well duh,” I said. “But do you really think I want to be known for being sat on by a kid!!” They said some more stuff but I ignored them just because I don’t need to hear that, I was also daydreaming.

5 years later…….
So I’m in 11th grade now and I finally got noticed!! Well it’s a bit of a story so make sure you have the time, you won’t want to miss this…..

Chapter Three
So I was just walking down the hall in my regular jeans and hoodie listing to music and then out of nowhere there was a hurricane warning and since I moved here from Florida I know just what to do! So while everyone is freaking out I just do what I’m supposed to do and without even saying anything people just do what I do! When we get up about two hours later everyone is calling me a hero!! YAY

The Haunted House part 4

Chapter 4

“What do you want from me?” Shouted Lilly.
“What I want from you is a…autograph!” Said the crocodile.
“Really!?” Said Lilly, surprised.
“NO HA-HA!” Chuckled the crocodile.
“What I actually want is you in my belly ha-ha!” said the hungry crocodile.
“AHHHHHHHHHH! PUT ME DOWN YOU OVER Grown BAT!” Shouted Maddie as she ponded on its feet.
“As you wish.” Said the vampire
He opened his claws and dropped Maddie.
“Have a nice fall ha-ha!” said the vampire with an evil laugh.
Maddie falls into a trap! It’s so dark, she thinks she is dead.
“What’s that smell? Its smells like…”

“What the…” Said Maddie, disgusted.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Shouted Lilly with fear.
“Lily!” shouted Maddie.
She moved though the dirty water and saw a bright light. She moved closer and closer. Then she saw Lilly ran past her and hid behind her.
“Lilly, what’s wrong?”


“Ahhhhhh” Screamed both girls.
“Runnnn!” Shouted Lilly.
“Let me guess… you pulled its tail, no even better…” Said Maddie
“Not now, Maddie; we got to get out of here!”

To be continued….

The Surf Shop

The Surf Shop
By Morgan

There is a beach in Florida and it has the best surf shop in the world. They sell stuff like surfboards, clothes, and even 5 feet tall rock candy! The shop has 2 floors. The first floor is the shop. (The main floor). The second floor only certain people can go to. The second floor is where famous people practice surfing. Yes you heard me famous people practice surfing!!!!!!! Every day a family who visits the shop writes their last name down and the shop owner draws a family and that family gets to watch the surfing practice. Cool right!?  Please visit The Surf Shop.

The Best Present Ever

The Best Present Ever
By Adelina

One day there was a little girl named Mikaela and it was her birthday! She was having nine people over at her house for an animal rescue party all day all night!  Mikaela was really excited to have an animal rescue party! She has never had a party like this before!  Mikaela was super excited about the cake her mom said she was going to make! Mikaela’s mom was going to take a Lego set and put them on the cake…now it would look animal rescue like!  When I saw all my friends I saw a lot of presents in all of their hands so Mikaela was really excited she was wondering what was inside all of them!  When it was cake time everybody was amazed by the wonderful cake Mikaela’s mom made!  Mikaela was really looking forward to present time and then it was time to open them all!  The first thing Mikaela got was a girl water gun, the next thing Mikaela got was a grocery store Lego set!  Many presents later, Mikaela was on her last present! She saw her mom and dad pull out a cute, adorable puppy out of the closet!  Mikaela loved it with all her heart forever!