Thursday, January 7, 2016

Mark Schulman Interview

Mark Schulman Interview
By Bailey
Do you know a guy who likes waffles with chicken?  Or a guy whose favorite animal is a naked mole rat and likes writing books?  Someone who has had many different jobs including maître d, tour guide, and camp counselor?  Someone who is unlike any other kind with a sense of humor and a dash of inspiration?  A guy who can make anyone smile and can make any story interesting?  This person would be Mark Schulman!
                             The Big Decision
Mark Schulman is an amazing author who has written books such as AA Is for Aardvark, A Is for Zebra and Ana and Nan Are Anagrams.   But the question that a lot of people are asking is why did he become an author?  Well every author should have a reason to become one!  Mark Schulman’s answer was pretty simple.  “I had married a teacher,” Mark had said.  “So when I saw all the kids that were enjoying her books that’s when I had the idea.”  Well Mark didn’t really start writing books right then, instead he put it on hold.  “Well I was thinking about it and finally someone said you should write a book!  So I said sure and that’s when I truly started.”  Mark told NPC.

The Spark
          Mark Schulman has written many kinds of books some that leave us wondering, or others that disgust or interest us.  But where does he get all these ideas?  Well, Mark doesn’t have a machine that just tells him what to do!  “My source of inspiration is kids,” Mark told NPC.  “I think about what I want in a book, but I also think about what kids want in a book.”  Mark made a good point, he could’ve just written what he wanted, but instead thought about a topic with a child’s perspective.  This makes it interesting for children to read.

The Usual, Writing
          We know Mark Schulman has been writing books for a while now, but the question you think of when we ask that is probably, “For how long?” well we wondered that too.  Did he just start?  Did he start when he was little?  When we asked him he said, “Well I probably started when you started. I wrote like a normal 5, 10 and 15 year old. I really only wrote like any other kid who would write a story!”  This surprised a majority of NPC to hear Mark say this, being the author he is. Emily, a member of NPC, commented, “I felt intrigued to hear him say that he started out just like us because if you see him now as this successful author that means if I try hard enough I could be like Mark.”

The Long Haul
        Like I’ve said before Mark Schulman is an amazing author with lots of books.  Some of his books are long and some are short.  But how long does it take to write his books?  A week? A Month? A year?  Actually his answer quite different.  “It depends,” Mark told NPC. “It’s like if you build a Lego set, sometimes it’s big and sometimes it’s small.  Now, if you have a big Lego set it takes you longer but if you have a small one it only takes you about ten minutes.”  I thought it was smart of him to make a comparison to a simple Lego set so we would understand better about how long it takes him to write books.  Well, Mark Schulman books probably took a lot of hard work based on what he said about the Lego set!

Over and Over!
             Mark Schulman writes stories, but always has to edit them.  Editing is a very important job that all writers need to do after they write a book. “It takes a while until I finally think my work is perfect.” Mark told NPC. “Well, always when I read over one of my pieces I have a pen in my hand so I can make little changes as I go. Also when I edit I have to read things over to myself many, many times.    Your teachers are absolutely right, nothing is perfect the first time.” So what we learned is strong writers reread their writing.

Cause and Effect
          Reading is very important for a writer.  When you read, you improve your writing because you’re seeing what another writer does.   When we asked Mark how important it is for kids to read he had a strong opinion about it.  “It’s as important for kids to read as it is important for an artist to see,” Mark told NPC. “You have to learn from other people to write what you’re comfortable with.” So, next time you pick up a book think about the writing.

Future Authors
Mark Schulman loves the idea of kids writing stories and even gave authors like us in NPC some advice! “Don’t stop writing!  If you keep writing interesting stories you’ll keep getting better and better! But the best part is that when you write you have fun without even realizing it!”  Riley and Lindsay from NPC said this inspired them to write more stories to become a better writer.
Wrapping Up
          Mark Schulman, no doubt, is a hard working author who does like waffles with chicken and does have a favorite animal called the naked mole rat.  He was a camp counselor and a tour guide.  He can make anyone smile and can make any story interesting.  I would say, in my opinion, that Mark Schulman is one of the funniest, most interesting, friendliest author I have ever met!  Mark Schulman, in my book, is truly an amazing author!

Mini Dictionary
Naked mole rat- A nearly hairless rodent of eastern African dry steppes and savannas.
Maître d- The person in a restaurant who oversees the waitpersons and busboys, and who typically handles reservations.
Intrigued- To arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual, new, or otherwise fascinating or compelling qualities; appeal strongly to.

Perspective- A mental view or prospect

The Haunted House Chapter 3

The Haunted House
By Kya

Chapter 3
The strange noise inched closer and closer.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” shouted both girls.

“RUN LILLY RUN!” shouted Maddie in a scared voice.
The two girls ran from the sound that seemed to be chasing them.

“THERE IS NO WHERE TO HIDE LITTLE BRATS HAHAHAHAH,” said the thing that was chasing them.
They looked back it was a ghost.

“COME BACK ALL I WANT IS to capture you!” shouted the ghost.

Lilly ran over a trap door and fell in.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” yelled Lilly.
“Lilly!” Shouted Maddie.

 The ghost was starting to gang on Maddie.
 Then all of a sudden the ghost stopped.

“That’s strange, why did she stop?“ Wondered Maddie.

She bumped into something even scarier than the ghost!
 A huge vampire! Which turned into a huge bat and picked her up and flew away.



Suddenly, she smelled sewer.


“Ewwww… what the heck is this?” Said Lilly with disgust.
Lilly lifted her wet and dirty hand out of the smelly water.

“I must be in the sewer.” exclaimed Lilly.
She pulled a match from her pocket she stole from her mom and dad’s room.
 She lit it and something blow it out.  She did it again and again but this time it did not go out.
 She moved around the sewers until she bumped into a crocodile.  She tried to run but everywhere she turned it was there.
 The crocodile approached Lilly. 
“What do you want from meeee?!” yelled Lilly.




By:  Emily

Chills in the air
Family gathers around the table
Food goes around
The day goes by
Thanksgivings over
Time for bed
Wake up early
Say goodbye
Back on your way home.

The Terrible First Day of School

The Terrible First Day of School!
By: Adelina
There was a boy called Luis and it was his first day of school, but he was scared. Every year his mom always made him wear the most embarrassing shirt he had in his room.  He always went with it because he knew he was going to get in trouble anyway.  He went to school and he walked in and of course everybody laughed at him.

  When he got to class he forgot his backpack so he had to walk all the way to the office which is all the way on the other side of the school.  At lunch, Luis had a yummy peanut butter and jelly sandwich.   He went in for a good bite, but he squeezed it a little to tight.  It splattered all over his favorite pants.  At snack time someone bumped into him on purpose.  Luis dropped his granola bar on the floor and never had a snack.

  Then when it was time to go home, Luis forgot to tie his shoe.  When he ran to the bus he tripped on his laces and landed in the mud.  He got a very bad bruise on his cheek. That was Luis's scary day.             

The Weird Zoo

The Weird Zoo 
By Morgan
Once there was a zoo called Sunny Side Zoo. You may think it’s very sunny and gets a lot of people to visit. But, think again this zoo is very creepy and dark. It only gets about, 10 families that visit the zoo a year! The only animals in the zoo are a panda, a giraffe an elephant and two penguins. There’s also a camping area near the woods. In July 2015 a family of 6 decided to go camping there. They packed for weeks then finally they arrived in the parking lot of Sunny Side Zoo. A creepy guy appeared out of nowhere and he took them to the camping spot. As they passed the giraffe the 8 year old boy Jason noticed the giraffe almost running towards them. Their cabin was pretty simple. It had a kitchenette area, a bathroom, and four beds. Their dog Peanut started barking which he usually never does. “He’s probably getting used to the new place”, said the dad (Oliver)
The mom (Julie) said, “Bella (the teenager) please take Peanut for a walk in the woods.”
“Do I Have to”, said Bella.
“Yes”, said Julie.
“Fine”, said Bella. Meanwhile, in the woods Bella noticed a note that read,
 Don’t tell anyone about the monster in the woods Martha. Thanks, Ray.
 “Monster in the woods?” said Bella. She looked around, clutching Peanut. Everything was silent except a squirrel looking for nuts. Then they heard a roaring sound in the distance. Bella got very scared. “Let’s go back to the cabin, Peanut”, said Bella. When they got back, Julie was playing with Bella’s baby sister, Lauren.
Jason was with his little brother, Caleb. Oliver was testing out the kitchenette’s oven with a frozen pizza they brought in their cooler.
“Mom”, said Bella. “Can I talk to you alone with dad later, please?” said Bella.
“Sure, how about after Jason, Caleb and Lauren go to bad tonight,” said Julie.
“Perfecto”, said Bella. After Jason, Caleb and Lauren went to bed Oliver, Julie and Bella sat on the floor to listen to Bella talk. “What’s up sweetie?” said Oliver.
“Well when I was in the woods with Peanut, I found a note that was about a monster in the woods, and from the writing, it looks like it’s from a long time ago”, said Bella. “If you hear or see anything strange, tell us immediately ok”, said Oliver and Julie.
“Ok”, said Bella. The next day, the whole family, even Peanut, went to the zoo area. “Lauren must really like the penguins, Caleb”, said Julie.
“Yeah,” said Caleb. They were trying to look for the food court. Then, Bella came across the weird old guy by the pandas. The family went over to him.
“Do you know where the food court is?” said Oliver.
“There’s no food court, and by the way my name’s Ray.” said the creepy guy who I guess is Ray. “That’s why you have a kitchenette in your cabin.” said Ray. When they got back, the kids were eating hotdogs. While Julie was preparing Laurens bottle, Bella told her that Ray guy was the guy who must have wrote the monster note.
“That’s insane,” said Oliver joining the conversation.
“Do you even believe me about all this monster stuff”, said Bella. “Of course we do, honey,” said Oliver and Julie. The next day, the family was so bored. They had nothing to do but play on electronics. Bella stopped texting and looked at the window. There she saw a scary looking face peering through the window. “Mom, dad look at the window now!” Bella demanded. They looked at the window. Lauren and Caleb started to cry. Jason almost fainted. Everyone’s face got so pale you could see their veins.
“Everyone in the bathroom now”, said Oliver.
“In the tub,” said Julie.
“Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww there’s worms in the tub”, said Caleb. By that time, the monster was in the cabin searching in every nook and cranny for them. All the sudden, Oliver found a latch to the cloudy world.
“Let there be light”, said Jason.
“Shhh”, said Bella. One by one, each family member crawled out of the tiny crack. It was a tight squeeze for Julie to get out because she was holding Lauren. Outside, Ray was standing right outside of the latch.
“Ahhh”, said Oliver. “Why are you standing outside our cabin?”
“That’s it Ray! I found a note in the woods and it said something about a monster in the woods and it was saying not to tell a girl named Martha about it. Oh yeah, I remember now, it was from a guy named Ray,” said Bella.
“I’m terribly sorry! I forgot to tell you guys about the monster and Martha is the zoo owner. She died 4 years ago, ever since all of the animals started to die,” said Ray. “Oh and here’s your luggage. Before you ask, I snuck in there and got it all.”
“Did you get the cooler and Lauren’s bouncer”, said Julie.
“Yes I got it all”, said Ray.
“Well, bye”, said Oliver.
“Bye. Oh, and thank you for visiting Sunny Side Zoo!” said Ray.