Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas trees

        The Christmas tree has been a tradition for many, many years. It all started in a small town in Germany, when a man was walking home from work. He saw an evergreen tree. He saw the snow glisten on the tree. He thought it looked pretty so he chopped it down and took it home. But when he stepped into the house the snow had melted. So he had an idea…. His idea was to put candles on the tree to represent the snow on the tree. That is how the tradition of the lights on the tree originated and the tradition of the Christmas started.



            Today people put Christmas trees up in their houses. Christmas trees can be found in cities, towns, and plazas. Many towns at Christmas time have tree lighting ceremonies or parties. Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, ornaments, beads, and lights. Christmas trees are a tree sigh of Christmas.

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