Thursday, February 26, 2015


The Basketball Game that Turned the Tables
By Ada

On February 4th 2015, it was a normal day in the Spencerport School District, but some kid’s found it more interesting. After school was over the modified girls’ basketball team won their FIRST GAME!
It was the Spencerport Rangers against the Greece Odyssey basketball team. The Spencerport Rangers were way behind, but we caught up fast. We were at a tie. Only 15 seconds left in the game. And…we score a point! The Spencerport middle school finally won a game.
Part 4
By Sammy

The escape pod was damaged but it was repairable but I knew the aliens were going to figure out that I escaped and I was on my way to earth. Then I thought that if I escaped they would keep hunting me until they found me. So I decided to destroy the aliens once and for all. Then I slipped out of the tunnel and looked in my cell luckily the aliens had not realized I was gone so I crawled out of the tunnel then I used a small chip of rock from my cell and I picked the lock. I snuck to the explosive room and I grabbed every single thing I could find then I quickly ran out of the room but I must have tripped an alarm while I was running down the hall because 3 seconds later guards were on my tail. I started to drop the bombs everywhere then I climbed in my cell and crawled through the tunnel but the guards started to follow me so kicked them in the face. I got to the escape pod and activated it. There was 10 seconds until the bombs went off. The escape pod launched 1 second before the bombs went off. 5 minutes later the pod door opened and I was on earth. So I went inside and made myself some coffee it had been a long day.
The Adventures of Snowflake the Kitten
 By Julia
Once upon a time there was a cat named Snowflake. Snowflake was a stray cat. Poor Snowflake was out in a horrible snow storm one winter night. She was taking a  nap on someone’s front porch. Suddenly, someone opened the door. It was a lady. She said, “you poor thing you must be so cold.”  She took Snowflake inside. Snowflake got a bath. Then the lady asked snowflake if she wanted some milk and the strangest thing happened.  Snowflake talked! She said “yes please.” The lady was fascinated! After a while, snowflake told the lady everything about her.

The end

The Life of Bob Fred the Unicorn! Book 2: The Escape
By Jacob
            Warning: this book is more exciting than the first one…
            Freddy was in his house with Carlene. They didn’t know what they could do. 
“We don’t even know where Bob Fred is,” said Freddy. 
“I KNOW, OUR LIVES ARE RUINED WE”LL NEVER GET HIM BACK. WHY DIDN”T THAT MONSTER TAKE ME INSTEAD?!!!!?” replied Carlene with the loudest voice she could use.
“Calm down Carlene we’ll get him back someday, “said Freddy.
 Back at the “jail of the pillows” Bob Fred was plotting his escape. “Hmmmm, maybe I could stack these pillows to escape.”  Bob Fred stacked the pillows.  Instead of climbing on top he spotted a hatch under the couch he sat on to watch T.V.  “Maybe if I go in the hatch I will be free.  Bob Fred found a big bone in the hatch.  Also, Bob Fred found that a slobber like substance was dripping on Bob Fred.  Bob Fred looked up and saw a Cyclops.  The Cyclops growled and ate Bob Fred whole!              
The End
For now…

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Adventures of Pizza Steve and Abraham Lincoln Part 1.
John Adams with The Army of Cheese

 Pizza Steve had a crazy dream.  He was in heaven.  He met Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Susan B. Anthony, George Washington, Jackie Robinson, and Franklin Pierce.  His favorite person was Abraham Lincoln.  He was a super spy like Pizza Steve.  William Shakespeare was their boss.  He gave them a mission. 
William Shakespeare told them “You’ve got to destroy John Adams’ army of Swiss cheese.” 
“Ok” said Pizza Steve and Abraham Lincoln.
Then Pizza Steve shouted, ”we have to climb the tall building!” 
“I’m Abe Lincoln I know how to climb a building.” 
So Abe and Pizza Steve ran into John Adams’ office.   John said, ”what are you doing here?  Are you going to fight me?” 
There were four Swiss cheeses named Bob Cheese, Bo Cheese, Mark Cheese, and Frankfurt Cheese. 
“All we have to do is step on the cheese,” whispered Abe. 
So Pizza Steve stepped on two pieces of cheese.  Abe stepped on two as well.  They defeated John Adams’ Army Cheese.


By Danica
When pigs FLY……
One day I was working on my family farm. I was milking the cow. For some unknown reason milking the family cow (whose name is Chocolate Milk) is exhausting. Then I saw something fly past the doorway of the barn. I ran outside to see what it was.
      IT WAS A PIG!
A flying pig! It was Oinks, one of our prize pigs!
And then came Muddles, a pig!
And then came Puddles, a pig!
And then came Bops, a pig!

911, 911 flying pigs!
The Year Without Christmas!
By: Hannah!
I still remember the year without Christmas.  I decided to write a story and try to get it published.  My name is Jessica.   I am old, I may need some time to think…

Here we go!  The year was 3015.  I was 12.  As you probably guessed I did not believe in Santa Claus. 
On Christmas Eve, I was baking cookies.  At the North Pole Santa, was sick.  How do I know that? You will find out later.  Santa could not hire a substitute like he did in the past years.  It was too late to hire a substitute this year. I still don’t know why.  All the kids were expecting Santa Claus to come and give them presents.  Since I didn’t believe in him, I made a bet with my friend.  If Santa came to my house and put presents under the tree, I would have to tell him that I did not believe in him.  If he didn’t come, she would have to look for him next year.  
On Christmas Eve, I was up waiting for Santa and was drinking some coffee to stay awake.  At about midnight I heard something, but it was just my dog.  Then in the morning, I found myself asleep.  I looked under the tree.  Noooooo presents!  Even though I wanted to believe in Santa, I thought he wasn’t real, but now I know he is real.
Then the next year, I made the same bet.  I stayed up all night until I saw…HIM!!
Santa saw me, put the presents under the tree, winked, and then left.  I lost the bet. 
When I was older I got a job as a teacher.  Then he came and gave presents to all the children!   He is a couple years older than me.  I still can’t tell you why I know that. 
When I got to know him better he asked me to marry him.  I said yes.
So now, if you haven’t already caught on, I am Mrs. Claus.   After we got married, he apologized for missing Christmas that year. 

And that is the story (or at least I think it is) of the year without Christmas!