Ghosts DON'T Wear Socks
By: Casey
Do you really want to know about the big thing I figured out just yesterday? Well you should, because this is the biggest discovery the whole wide world has ever discovered. I am going to give you 1 minute to think about it; if you want to know the discovery I made. Oh, and by the way my name is Jeffrey.
(Narrator) Good to know.
(1 minute later,) times up! So what's your choice?
(Narrator) Yes, I would like to know the discovery you made.
Good choice, ok the discovery I made was that ghosts, don't, wear socks.
(Narrator) Yes they do Jeffrey!
No they don't!
(Narrator) YES THEY DO!
(Narrator) ok calm down, maybe they do maybe they don't, but if your going to say that they don't wear socks, your going to have to prove it.
Ok I'll prove it, but can I make a deal with you? The deal is you have to give me one week to get evidence to prove that ghosts don't wear socks, ok? Deal?
(Narrator) Deal.
(One week later). Ok, got my evidence. First of all, I got a photo of a ghost throwing socks in the garbage.
(Narrator) That’s photoshopped!
Ok maybe it is, but this isn't. (Shows a photoshopped picture)
(Narrator) That’s photoshopped too!
Ok maybe ghosts DO wear socks.
(Narrator) That's what I thought.
But I have been thinking, I well... tried to give you evidence that ghosts DON'T wear socks, but you haven't given me any evidence that ghosts DO wear socks.
(Narrator) Ok, but you have to give me a week to find evidence, deal?
(One Week Later.) (Narrator) Ok, I got my evidence that ghosts do wear socks.
Ok, show me.
(Narrator shows photoshopped picture of a ghost wearing socks.)
That’s photoshopped!
(Narrator) No its not Jeffrey! Ok, maybe that picture was photoshopped but this one isn't. (Narrator shows a picture of a real ghost wearing socks)
Woah! That’s actually not photoshopped!
(Narrator) I told you it wasn't!
Ok maybe you were right, ghosts DO wear socks.
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