Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Mysterious Robbing

The Mysterious Robbing 
By Casey 
One day, there was a mysterious robbing.  The robbing happened late at night, it happened at exactly 12:00 pm.  Everyone was so confused because all it took for the criminal to rob a whole bank was 1 minute.  And no alarm went off it just happened, silently.  It was really unfortunate for the bank because I bet you the bank did not want to be robbed.  And the bank didn't just lose some money, it lost all of its money.  That bank has gone bankrupt, and that bank is most likely not going to be used ever again. 
The next day, the police went to the bank to investigate and they found completely nothing.  They checked everywhere, they checked in the vault, the depositing system, and the ATM!  The police were really stumped, and they had no leads.  Until, one week later, the police got reports of strange opera music near the robbing.  This was the polices only lead, so they were quick to report to the location.  But the only problem was, they didn't hear any opera music. 
One month later, the police were getting more reports about opera music, and they finally investigated, and they actually did hear opera music that time.  So they searched the area, over, and over, and over, and didn't find a thing.  The were still looking for witnesses and there wasn't a witness for a full year!  Until, they got a phone call, and the person calling said " You will never find me in Texas "  The police got one phone call a day and the caller gave them one clue everyday to where the robber was Every call the police where closer to finding the robber.  Then, two months later, the found the robber, but one thing the police didn't find was the treasure.  Even though the police caught the robber, the police still had many questions like how did he rob the whole bank and not set off one alarm and not get caught.  I guess the police will never know. 

The Bad Elf

The Bad Elf 
By Casey 
One afternoon on Christmas eve, Santa was going to show up at the mall, all the kids would be excited to see Santa.  One hour later, Santa showed up and there was a line of kids ready to see him.  Surprisingly, Santa brought an elf with him, the elf's name was Buddy.   Buddy seemed very grumpy because he never smiled.  He was always frowning, and sometimes he would glare at little kids.  An hour later, right when Santa was about to leave, Buddy set off a trapdoor, Santa was stuck and he couldn't get out of the thirty foot hole.  Before Buddy left Santa screamed "NO PRESENTS FOR YOU!"  Buddy didn't care about presents though.  All he cared about was ruining Christmas.  The next day, Buddy went back to Santa's workshop and he told all the elves to leave.  When they did, Buddy destroyed all the presents.  He replaced all the presents with wrapped coal.  Buddy had big plans for Christmas, and they weren't good. 
The next day, Buddy went to the mall and he disguised himself as an ordinary man but, since Buddy was so short, he had to go on stilts, he almost fell a few times but he saved himself.  Then, he walked over to clothing store in the mall and he stole some clothes and he stuffed them in his coat.  Then, he took the clothes and put them in Santa's sleigh.  He kept on stealing clothes until he fell off his stilts, all the clothes fell out of his coat.  He started running away, everyone was chasing him and throwing food at him.  The elf didn't have magic powers like Santa so he couldn't run very fast.  He sprinted into Santa's sleigh and zoomed away. 


Meeting Clover

Meeting Clover 
By Annabelle K. 

Once there was a girl named Ella. She was very kind. One day she was walking home from school and she saw a puppy that was stuck in a bench. The puppy had no collar so Ella called her mom and said, "Hey mom I was walking home from school and I saw a puppy stuck in a bench, what should I do?" "Well Ella you should call animal control and tell them about the puppy." "Okay mom I think that would be a good idea,"Bye Ella!" "Bye mom!" So Ella called the animal control and they came right away and saved the puppy. But Ella was sad because the puppy had a broken leg. They could not fix it right away. They said it would take about three months. She worried and worried every day. Finally the animal control called her, that was the best day of Ella's life. She came to the animal control  shelter and saw the puppy. The puppy was all better. The animal control worker said, "Would you like to keep her?" "Really!? Yes I would love that!" "What are you going to name her?" "I think I will name her Clover!" 


My Little Brother Gabriel

My Little Brother Gabriel 
By Annabelle  
I have a little brother.    His name is Gabriel.    He is three months old and very cute.    I love him!    I play with him, hold him, I even sing to him and read him stories.    He smiles a lot and it is cute.