Thursday, December 3, 2015

Zombies part 1

The creatures series revival
BY Sammy
“You remember me, don’t you kids?” I said as I sat around the campfire. “You remember about a year ago I told you the story about Bigfoot and then the aliens?”
“We do!” replied the kids.
Well I brought you here to bring it back. “What’s this story about?” asked one of the kids.
“Why it’s the scariest story of them all.  This is the story of how I survived the zombies.”
It was a dark night, I was preparing for bed.  You know, brushing my teeth and getting my pajamas on and all that stuff.  Then I heard a knock on my door right as I was getting into my bed.  I thought I must have been just winded from the day and that I was hearing things, so I got in bed and then I heard it again.  This time a little bit louder. Then all of a sudden right as I was about to fall asleep…Find out what happens in part 2.

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