Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Halloween Dance Smash

The Halloween
Dance                                         Smash!
By Melina
“Mom!”  shouted Mackenzie “It’s a quarter to three, we are going to be late!”
‘’Mackenzie relax, dance starts at three!” Mom replied.
Mackenzie relaxed. Just then she remembered. ‘’Mom it’s Miss. Abby we are talking about!” she yelled.

“I already e-mailed her, but I’m not sure if she is mad or not….. so can we get a move on here?” Mom asked.
“Uh, yeah’’  Maddie and Mackenzie replied.  “Finally!”  Maddie and Mackenzie mumbled.
When Maddie and Mackenzie got to dance the moms left but they couldn’t find Miss Abby or Gianna.  It was just Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Kendall, Jojo, Kalani, and Melina (me).
“Hey where’s my bag?” Nia asked.
“All of our bags are gone!” Melina said.
“They have all our phones in them!”  Kendall yelled.
"What if?” said a mysterious voice. “What if, what if, what if?” said the mysterious voice again.
“What if, what?” Jojo asked.
Just then the lights flicked off and we couldn’t believe what we saw near the door!
Chapter Two
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” we all shouted.  A girl with black hair showed up at the door in an all-white dress… nothing but plain white. Just then the lights flickered on and the mysterious girl in the door just…. vanished.   The lights flicked off again and then the girl came from studio 13.  Quickly Jojo grabbed a bowling ball and threw it at the girl. They all ran out of the company and to the nearest bush and hid behind it.        
Guys, what was that?” Melina asked.

“Okay I think she’s gone, we can move now, right?” Mackenzie asked.
“Oh sure, go to the exact same place we almost got hurt by a who knows what and go ask it to be your friend!” Melina said sarcastically.
“Jeez, for a new dancer you sure are sassy” Mackenzie said.
“Guys look!” Nia whispered.

There was the girl walking towards a bench.
“Okay, when that thing walks into the bench and falls, make a run for it, okay?” Jojo asked.

“Okay!” we all replied. But she just walked right through the bench.
“You guys see this too, right?” Kalani asked.
“What do you think?” Melina said. “Okay no one freak out, but I think we just found ourselves a ghost!”
“Yeah, but are you sure? I mean Miss Abby would definitely try to trick us.” Nia said.
‘’Trust me.’’ Melina replied.
“Ok.” They said.
“Alright, but I get to say the next meeting place.’’ Maddie said.
‘’Fine, but first we need to know what kind of ghost she is.’’ Melina said. “We are going to need a mircoscope and a tooth pick.’’
“Okay, my dad has a bunch of those at my house’’ Nia said. “What?’’ 
“Okay” we all said.
“Meet me here at 12:00 p.m.” Maddie said. “We’re going to be doing some monster hunting!”
“Alright!’’ everyone shouted “Yeah! Let’s go!’’
“I can’t believe I’m doing this, my parents would kill me!” Nia shouted in a scared voice.
“Yeah, except, your parents are missing, everyone’s parents are missing, trust me, they would want you to find them” Melina replied.
“Wow, not so soft anymore, huh?” Mackenzie asked.
“Nah, this is really scary, so instead, I’m being nice!” Melina replied.
“Wait, there she is!” Kendall whispered.
“Ready, set, let’s go!’’ Melina shouted.
Cast of Dance Moms!

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